Product Code: GE00466B

Ages from 3+

TTS Bee-Bot World Map

Travel the world and go on a voyage of discovery with Bee-Bot and the Bee-Bot world map!
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Price: 139.90 € 139.90 EUR
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TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Contains information about the world, including the oceans, continents, countries and capital cities. Bee-Bot® not included.

Enhance children’s knowledge of the world by combining map reading, directional learning and co-ordinate geometry and much more. The detail and colour makes these maps visually stunning and exciting. Large and medium maps are printed on hard-wearing vinyl with eyelets for hanging.

Length:120 cm
Width:210 cm
TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Product TTS Bee-Bot World Map details
Target Group
Age: 3+
Weight: 1.2 kg
Product Code: GE00466B
Manufacturer: TTS